Euchre Stock

Four-handed game. Four desired cards on top. Under-cut about three-quarters of deck, run seventeen, in-jog and shuffle off. Under-cut to in-jog and throw on top. This will give three of the desired cards to the dealer and turn the fourth for trump. The dealer takes two cards the first round and three on the last, thereby getting three of the desired cards on the last round and turning the fourth for trump. The calculation is in merely counting the number of cards required in the deal before reaching the desired cards, which are for the dealer and the trump. In a three-handed game the run would be twelve—i. e., five less. In a two-handed game, seven. As described above, the shuffle is too short. A blind shuffle should be first executed, leaving the desired cards on top, and then the stock run up. If the two bowers are among the desired cards the left must not be turned for trumps, so it may be placed at any position among the desired cards save the under one.

If the desired cards are to be given to the dealer's partner the action is almost as short.

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