This cunning and absolutely unfathomable stratagem must have been devised by an individual of truly Machiavelian subtlety. The deck is held in the left hand face down and the cards are taken off in the right hand and held face to the spectator. Each card is counted as it is taken off the deck, and the right hand packet is kept well squared up, so that but one card remains exposed to view. As the cards are exposed the hands are parted some little distance, and the action of drawing off the cards is made uniform, neither rapidly nor slowly. Now the operator looks covertly into the eyes of the spectator and he sees with surprising distinctness that they follow the movements of his right hand in taking off and exposing the cards. The moment the eyes rest, or lose their intensity, the performer notes the number of the card, but continues the drawing off process. Shortly, asking it a card has been thought of, he closes up deck, secretively counts off to the number, and produces at will. Of course a break may be held at the card noted, but the counting avoids the least change in the right hand action.
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