First Method

The right hand holds the wrong card, which has just been exhibited; the left hand holds the deck between the thumb and second, third and little fingers at the sides, first finger at end, the back of deck to the palm and the selected card on the bottom. The deck is inverted or the hand turned palm down, so that the bottom card cannot be seen. The right hand now openly places the wrong card on the bottom of the deck and carelessly shows the palm empty. Then the tips of the right-hand fingers are placed against the bottom of the deck, both hands turning it up in view, showing the wrong card that was just placed there. But as the deck is turned up the right fingertips push the wrong card up against the left first finger, about one inch, so that the right palm a little below the base of the fingers may be pressed against the selected card, which is the next one. This card is drawn down slowly by pressing against it, the downward movement being apparently to give the company a full view of the wrong card. (See Fig. 84.) When the ends of the two cards pass each other the lower card is titled on top and the right palm again covers the whole deck, carrying the selected card along, and the left first finger presses the wrong card back into position. The performer now pronounces the talismanic word, shows the right hand empty, and the transformation accomplished.

Cleverly executed, this is a very effective sleight, and there is little or no difficulty in acquiring it. It may be performed rapidly or slowly, as the operator fancies.

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