Euchre Stock

Four-handed game. Four desired cards on top for partner and trump. Under-cut about three-quarters of deck, in-jog top card, run sixteen, out-jog and shuffle off. Under-cut to out-jog, forming break at in-jog, in-jog first card running eleven, throw to break, run three and shuffle off. Under-cut to in-jog and shuffle off. This gives the player opposite the dealer three of the desired cards on the second round, and turns the fourth card for trumps.

For the benefit of the reader who wishes to understand the philosophy of the procedure, we will explain the calculation fully. We must first determine how the desired cards must stand when the shuffle is completed. The order for dealing the first round is, three, two, three, two; and the second round two, three, two, three. Now, to give his partner three desired cards on the second round they must stand the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth cards from the top, and the fourth desired card must stand the twenty-first from the top to turn for trumps. It would be easy to stock from these figures, but there is a shorter way. As there are only thirty-two cards in the Euchre deck, the desired cards must be nearer the bottom than the top, so if we count from the bottom we will find the trump card is the twelfth, with five indifferent cards between it and the other three desired cards. The eleven cards below the trump and the five above give us the number sixteen, which is the first run in the shuffle. The second run in the shuffle is eleven, which action makes the division, and the rest of the action is for the purpose of inserting the desired cards in the divisions created.

Any one who can understand and execute the Euchre examples, should have no trouble in stocking for any of the other games wherein two or more cards are dealt at a time. The more at a time the simpler to run up more desired cards. But two good cards on each deal are quite sufficient to turn the tide strongly in favor of the advantage player, and for practical purposes stocking more than three should not be attempted. Simple ability to make the run and the in-jog, enables one to stock two or three cards in any game that deals two or three at a time.

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