The Double-Palm Change
This method may be employed to exchange one or several cards. The cards to be exchanged lie in the packet on the table face up. The other hands are secretly palmed face down in the left hand. The left hand now picks up the packet on the table by the sides, between the thumb and second and third fingertips, and transfers the packet to the right hand. As the left hand turns palm up the right hand palms the packet just picked up and seizes the packet in the left palm by the sides, carrying it slowly and openly away, and the left hand is seen empty. (See Fig. 83.)
As the right hand palms the upper cards the left first finger curls up under the palmed cards, bending them upward, thus enabling the right hand to seize them easier and also effectually taking out the crimp or bend that may have been caused while so closely palmed.
The only objectionable feature of this change is that the right hand carries the packet away by the sides, while it may have been noticed that the packet first in view was seized by the ends. But this is a splendid change for many purposes.
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