First Method
Hold the deck in the left hand, crosswise, in the customary manner for the hand shuffle. Under cut with the right hand about three-quarters of the deck, and bring it down in the usual way of shuffling on top of the packet in the left hand, dropping a small packet from the top. Now, in raising the right hand again, still in the ordinary manner, seize the lower packet that was first left in the left hand between the right third finger and thumb, bringing it up with the rest of the cards, the packet that was dropped from the top now falling against the left fingers, concealing the fact that the under packet is withdrawn. (See Fig. 93.) Now, with the left fingers tilt the packet over against the left thumb, and drop another small packet from the top of the right hand porting into the left hand between its packet and the fingers, still with the usual movement for shuffling. The left thumb now tilts the packet back on the other, and the right hand makes its customary movement downward, but this time drops the lower packet that is held between the third finger and thumb, by simply releasing the pressure of the third finger. Now the left hand portion is again tilted against the thumb, the right hand dropping another packet from the top, then the left hand packet is tilted back, and the right hand throws the balance on top. This process leaves the order the same, the deck having received but a simple cut.
The right hand makes five up and down movements in the ordinary or regular manner of shuffling, and without hesitating for an instant. The left fingers and thumb keep up the process of tilting its portion back and forth, allowing the right hand packets to fall above and below it. The actions of the right hand in bringing up the first packet from the left hand, with the first upward movement, and in releasing it again on the third downward movement (instead of dropping a packet from the top) are undetectable if the shuffle is performed with some degree of rapidity and smoothness. It is not at all difficult, but some practice is necessary.
The mode of shuffling over and under the left hand packet is commonly employed, and incites no notice. The shuffle may be repeated as desired, and should be varied with an occasional cut.
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