The Top Change
Hold the deck in the left hand crosswise, face down, the thumb resting across the top. Hold the card to be exchanged in the right hand between the thumb and first fingertips, thumb on top finger under. Now the hands are brought together for an instant by an easy swing, both hands moving in the same general direction but one hand faster than the other. As they meet the left thumb pushes the top card slightly over the side, the right hand places its card on top and clips the protruding card between the tips of the first and second fingers, carrying it off (see Fig. 80), the left thumb retaining the now top card and sliding it back into position on the deck. In theory it seems that this action will be very easily noticed. In practice, if cleverly performed, it is almost impossible to detect. The general movement or swing of the hands is not stopped when the exchange is made but continued until they are separated again by some little distance, and the swing should be taken naturally, with some ulterior motive, such as placing the card on the table or giving it to some one to hold. A slight turn of the person may bring the hands easily together. The swing may be made in any direction, in or out, up or down, to the right or left, the one hand following or passing the other, but in no case stopping until well separated again.
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