Five-Card Stock

For any game in which cards are dealt singly. Four desired cards on top, one on bottom. Under-cut about one-third deck, in-jog top card, run two less than twice number players, out-jog and shuffle last card on top. Under-cut to out-jog, forming break at in-jog; run one less than number players, throw to break, run two, in-jog one and shuffle off. Under-cut to in-jog and throw on top. Under-cut about one-third deck, in-jog top card, run two less than twice number players, out-jog and shuffle last card to top. Under-cut to out-jog, forming break at in-jog; run one less than number players, throw to break, run three times number players, in-jog and shuffle off. Under-cut to in-jog and throw on top. This gives the dealer the five cards in five rounds.

The formula appears long, but much of the shuffle is a repetition, very simple, and takes but a second or two longer than the four-card stock.

To show the possibilities of this method, we give a fancy stock for a game of Poker that will throw four of a kind to the dealer and leave two sets of fours on the top for the draw.

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