Top Palm. Second Method

The positions of the hands are identically the same as the first method, a slight difference is made in the process of palming. Pull up the cards to be palmed as before, then insert the ends of the left second and third fingers. Now straighten out right first finger, press down on end of deck with all four right fingers, bending the cards to be palmed over the left second and third finger ends, and holding them in place by left little finger. Release left little finger and the cards will spring up into the right palm, the left second finger aiding the movement by pressing the cards firmly into the palm and holding them there while the deck is being drawn into view by the left hand. As described in the former method, the left hand should immediately release the deck, which is dropped on the table by the right.

We consider these methods the best for palming the top cards after a shuffle. The positions the hands assume are taken quite naturally in squaring up the cards. The right hand should seize the ends first, and the left thumb and fingers square up the sides by sliding up and down; then by moving the left little finger to the end of deck the proper position is obtained and the palm made in a twinkling.

When the cut is made reach the right hand boldly for the deck, but instead of picking it up lay the palmed cards on top and draw the deck to the edge of the table. Then the thumb naturally goes under the end and the cards can be picked up with ease.

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